Karnataka House Minister Araga Jnanendra met the household of auto rickshaw driver who was injured within the Mangaluru bomb blast on Saturday, reported information company ANI. He handed over Rs. 50,000 to the household of auto rickshaw driver – Purshottam Pujari – who’s presently getting handled at a hospital in Mangaluru.
The minister additionally informed that the bomb blast case might be formally handed over to the Nationwide Investigation Company (NIA). On Wednesday, the minister visited the blast spot in Mangaluru’s outskirts, together with Karnataka’s director normal of police (DGP) chief Praveen Sood, and likewise the hospital the place auto driver Purushottam Poojary is being handled.
A day after the blast in Mangaluru, which injured the motive force and the suspect Shariq on November 19, DGP Praveen Sood had declared the incident an “act of terror with the intention to trigger severe harm”. Nonetheless, the police had recognized the 24-year-old because the bomber and introduced that he has hyperlinks with the organized terror outfits.
Talking to the reporters in Mangaluru, Jnanendra stated, “When the phobia suspect recovers and capable of communicate, many extra particulars will come out. The injured auto driver and suspected terrorist are being handled by a workforce of eight specialist medical doctors in Mangaluru”