Actor-film producer Suriya on Thursday launched the teaser of Sardar, which stars his brother Karthi within the lead function. Helmed by PS Mithran of Irumbu Thirai fame, the movie appears to be a spy thriller. And the teaser by no means lets us overlook this truth because it, time after time, emphasises the truth that this movie is, certainly, hand to god, concerning the adventures skilled by a spy, whose case information virtually benefit from the standing of legend within the spy circle.
Judging from the teaser, Sardar appears to unravel in two totally different timelines. The style sense of the hero in some scenes suggests part of the movie could also be taking place within the 80s. And there may be one other half, by which we see trendy spy rooms with military-grade spying instruments. There are typewriters and there are high-tech devices. There may be additionally a younger Karthi after which there may be an previous Karthi. He could also be previous however he hasn’t forgotten his coaching as a spy. And he takes on younger and closely armed safety guards with naked palms, that are additionally cuffed. “As soon as a spy, at all times a spy,” we’re advised.
“This movie has demanded quite a lot of inventive effort out of us. Very proud to current the grand teaser of #Sardar. Want all of your love,” tweeted Karthi, whereas sharing the teaser of Sardar.
Sardar additionally stars Raashii Khanna and Rajisha Vijayan within the lead roles. The movie is written by M.R Pon Parthipan, Roju and Bipin Ragu. It will hit theatres in the course of the Deepavali vacation.
Within the meantime, Karthi is ready for the discharge of his most-awaited film, Ponniyin Selvan 1. The movie is due in cinemas this Friday.