Bengaluru police have imposed a one-day ban on the sale of liquor in components of East Bengaluru Sunday on account of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi festivities and procession.
Nevertheless, the ban won’t apply to golf equipment and five-star resorts within the space.
Bengaluru police commissioner C H Prathap Reddy Saturday issued an order for prohibition of the sale of liquor on October 9 within the areas coming beneath Hennur, Govindapura, KG Halli, DJ Halli, Pulkeshinagar, Shivajinagar, Industrial Avenue and the Bharathinagar police station limits.
“On the event of Eid-e-Milad there can be processions that can be undertaken and so as to preserve peace and safety the sale of liquor is prohibited,” mentioned the order issued by the Bengaluru police commissioner.