The Bengaluru Police arrested 4 males on Saturday for triggering a brawl and assaulting a shopkeeper within the metropolis’s Munnekollal space. All of the accused had been booked underneath the costs of theft and assault, mentioned the police. In a video footage, which has been broadly shared on the Web, a gaggle of males will be seen on the bakery, assaulting the shopkeeper. The lads had been seen ruthlessly blowing punches on the shopkeeper and he was even assaulted with plastic trays and a helmet.
(Hindustan Instances can not independently confirm the video)
The group was additionally seen vandalising the bakery, triggering panic within the space.
Based on a report in The Hindu, the rationale for the assault is claimed to be rivalry. The violence was pre-planned. The lads who assaulted the shopkeeper ordered tea and cigarettes earlier than the combat. Nonetheless, an argument obtained triggered whereas paying the invoice, adopted by the incident. The shopkeeper additionally claimed that his cash, a gold chain, cell phone and money was robbed by the accused.
In the meantime, the Bengaluru Police swung into motion after the CCTV footage went viral and arrested 4 out of the entire eight individuals seen within the CCTV footage. On Saturday, a put up on the official deal with learn: “A video on Twitter reveals 8 individuals barging right into a bakery and assaulting the shopkeeper. 4 of those have already been arrested on fees of assault and theft. The investigation continues to be underway for the remaining.” The police additionally informed that such habits won’t be tolerated