The Bharat Jodo Yatra will witness “an all-women stroll” on Monday, Congress MP Jothimani has tweeted. Attention-grabbing visuals have been rising from the grand previous celebration’s pan-India foot march that’s presently within the BJP-ruled Haryana. Rahul Gandhi, who has been main the march, has been elevating a number of nationwide points in the course of the celebration’s Kanyakumari-to-Kashmir mass join programme, which started in September and ends later this month in Srinagar.
“Tomorrow is an all girls stroll in Bharat Jodo Yatra . one of the thrilling day. @RahulGandhi could be very passionate and dedicated on girls empowerment, trying ahead! (sic)” Jothimani wrote in her tweet. which was additionally shared by her celebration colleague and the Congress’s communications-in-charge Jairam Ramesh.
The foot march – though launched to revive the celebration’s join on the grassroots – has registered a number of photographic moments. It’s the Congress’s largest such marketing campaign in a few years after struggling quite a few ballot debacles since 2014. Girls’s points have been among the many many speaking factors for Gandhi and different Congress leaders in the course of the Yatra. Earlier this week, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra – who has attacked the ruling celebration a number of occasions over girls’s security issues – had welcomed Rahul Gandhi within the BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh.
Other than girls’s security, unemployment amongst youth and empowerment of the neighborhood have additionally been among the many points raised by the grand previous celebration to assault the BJP throughout its marketing campaign. After the conclusion of Bharat Jodo Yatra, the celebration will subsequent launch ‘Hath se Hath jodo’ marketing campaign in a bid to strengthen join with youth.
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