The Bengaluru police on Wednesday arrested a driver of a motorcycle taxi for allegedly snatching chains within the metropolis’s JP Nagar space. The accused has been arrested inside 4 days from the day of incident, stated police.
P Krishna Kant, deputy commissioner of police, Bengaluru (South) additionally stated that the accused runs a lodge in Karnataka’s Mandya and even completed his BCA diploma. He tweeted, “A Rapido worker concerned in chain snatching is now in chains. Glorious work was executed by #JPNagar PS in catching the accused inside 4 days of the incident. Accused is a BCA Graduate who additionally runs a lodge in Mandya.”
Cops have additionally arrested an Odisha based mostly dacoit gang with 6 folks for allegedly robbing a home in Bengaluru’s KS Format. One of many accused can also be stated to be the watchman of one of many flats within the metropolis. A publish within the official Twitter deal with of Bengaluru police learn, “Considered one of them, a watchman, did extra than simply watching, so we did the catching. All 6 concerned have been arrested inside 4 days of the incident.”
Lately, a Goa man was arrested at Mangaluru and cops seized 16 grams of narcotics that are estimated to be price ₹1.56 lakh from Karnataka on Sunday.