Bengaluru site visitors police have collected over ₹5.6 crore on Friday in site visitors violation fines after saying a 50 per cent low cost on all penalties. Violators throughout Karnataka owe the site visitors police division round ₹530 crore in penalty charges, of which ₹500 crore is because of come from state capital Bengaluru alone.
Residents of Bengaluru have been fast to leap on the 50 per cent low cost provide, which is legitimate solely until February 11. Greater than 2 lakh violations have been paid for on Friday, M A Saleem, the just lately appointed particular site visitors police commissioner for Bengaluru informed The Times of India. The ₹5.6 crore collected on Friday was half the quantity because of be paid by the residents after the concession.
READ | Karnataka pronounces 50% low cost on all pending site visitors fines; provide until Feb 11
Residents will pay their excellent penalty fines at native site visitors police stations and Bangalore One centres in Bengaluru or go on the Bengaluru site visitors police web site:, whereas these outdoors of Bengaluru can go to Karnataka One centres or nearest police stations to pay their penalties.
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On Friday, locals in Bengaluru paid round ₹2.2 crore on the 48 site visitors police stations within the metropolis, whereas ₹3.2 crore was paid just about through on-line modes, and ₹19 lakh by means of the Bangalore One centres. One other ₹1.4 lakh was obtained on the site visitors administration centre, MA Saleem informed the publication.