Senior Congress chief Jairam Ramesh on Thursday stated the BJP’s fall within the subsequent election has begun, because the celebration’s interim president Sonia Gandhi joined the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ in Karnataka. Ramesh, a member of parliament in Rajya Sabha from Karnataka, hailed the response the celebration acquired within the state, and stated “the response we’ve garnered from a BJP-ruled state in Karnataka reveals that the countdown for BJP’s fall within the subsequent election has begun”.
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Earlier on Thursday, Ramesh tweeted, “Day 29 of Bharat Jodo Yatra started with flag hoisting at 5:30 am at Exhibition Grounds, Mysuru, the place Bharat Yatris joined in Dasara celebrations. Now an hour’s bus experience to padayatra begin level close to Mandya. Congress President will be part of round 8:00 am.”
The yatra entered its Karnataka leg on September 30 through Gundlupet in Chamarajanagar district and is now in Mandya district with Sonia Gandhi participating within the yatra. Sonia Gandhi, who arrived in Mysuru on Monday, additionally visited the Bheemanakolli Temple in Begur village on Wednesday to supply Dussehra prayers.
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The Bharat Jodo Yatra, led by Rahul Gandhi, resumed after a two-day break on account of the Dussehra celebrations. The padyatra, overlaying a distance of 25 km daily, can be in Karnataka for 21 days earlier than shifting north. The march was aimed to cowl as many as 12 states in 5 months.
In line with the Congress, the yatra is being held to fight the divisive politics of the BJP-led Centre and to awaken the folks of the nation to the hazards of financial inequalities, social polarisation, and political centralisation.
(With ANI inputs)
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