The Mangaluru police arrested 9 extra medical college students and docs, on Saturday, in reference to alleged consumption and peddling of narcotic substances. With this, the whole variety of arrests has risen to 24, which incorporates 22 from the medical fraternity.
Confirming the arrest, a police official recognized the 9 accused as Dr Vidush Kumar (27) and Dr Ish Midda (27) from Uttar Pradesh, Dr Siddartha Pavaskar (29) and Dr Sudheendra (34) from Karnataka, Dr Suryajith Dev (20) and Dr Aysha Mohammed (23) from Kerala, Dr Pranay Natraj (24) and Dr Chaithanya R Tumuluri (23) from Telangana and Dr Sharanya (23) from Delhi.
Earlier this month, Mangaluru metropolis police had arrested 10 individuals on the fees of consuming and peddling hashish.On January 7, town crime department (CCB) of the Mangaluru metropolis police had arrested Neil Kishorilal Ramji Shah (38), who’s an Abroad Citizen of India, from an house at Bunts Hostel Street, for possessing hashish. He’s the prime-accused within the case.
He had enrolled for a bachelor of dental sciences course in a medical school in Mangaluru in 2006-07. Nonetheless, he’s but to finish the course.
The police had recovered over 2kg hashish value ₹50,000, two cell phones, a toy pistol, a dagger, ₹7,000 and a digital weighing scale. In the course of the probe in his three-day custody, Shah had revealed that he was supplying medication to different medical college students.
Based mostly on the data, Mangaluru police commissioner stated 9 others have been arrested on January 10. The arrested have been residing in PG lodging, residences and hostels in Mangaluru.
In the meantime, Kasturba Medical School in Mangaluru has terminated the companies of two medical docs who have been arrested on January 10 on the fees of drug peddling and consumption. The 2 have been recognized as medical officer Dr Sameer, KMC-Attavara, and surgeon Dr Manimaran Mutthu, KMC Manipal.
The faculty dean B Unnikrishnansaid that the authorities will prolong full cooperation within the case, police stated.