Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) chief commissioner Tushar Giri Nath Monday approached cyber police for the second time in three months over the fraudulent use of his id to ship WhatsApp messages to individuals recognized to him from an unknown quantity.
In a grievance filed with the Central CEN police station, which investigates cyber offences, Nath alleged that his picture was getting used as Show Image (DP) by an unknown one that had despatched messages to his colleagues on WhatsApp pretending to be the BBMP chief commissioner.
In line with the police, the accused had despatched messages to Nath’s colleagues utilizing his WhatsApp DP searching for Amazon reward playing cards.
“An unknown individual has used the WhatsApp DP of the BBMP chief commissioner Tushar Giri Nath on the quantity 8076618135 and has chatted with individuals recognized to the commissioner and has despatched them requests for Amazon Reward Playing cards and hyperlinks for purchases,” stated an officer with the Central CEN police station.
That is the second time Tushar Giri Nath has approached the police for a similar motive. Earlier, his picture was misused from 7076522681 to ship messages to his contacts on WhatsApp.
Impersonation of presidency officers, politicians lately have turn into a standard phenomenon. The cybercriminals do it for monetary positive factors, stated a police officer.