It’s celebration time for Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. The couple just lately purchased a brand new Mercedez-Benz price Rs 2 cr and paps caught glimpses of the auspicious coconut breaking ceremony. Their youthful son Jehangir (referred to as Jeh) acquired the primary journey within the automotive with the nannies and a video shot by the shutterbugs has gone viral on social media. Only a few days in the past, Saif and Kareena had purchased a Jeep Wrangler (over ₹60 lakh).
Within the video, a casually-dressed Kareena unveils the automotive, as she holds Jeh. Within the subsequent a part of the video, Jeh sits within the automotive and waves on the paps because the automotive drives by.
Whereas many commented with hearts, others wrote that Jeh was ‘too cute for phrases’. “What a cute wave,” one fan wrote. “Congratulations, Saif and Kareena…” Some puzzled whether or not it was in celebration of Saif’s latest movie, Vikram Vedha, which simply launched. “Vikram Vedha ki khushi mein?” One wrote, “I really like her child sitter…so a few years of accountability and nonetheless goin on, keep blessed.”
Whereas Vikram Vedha, starring Hrithik Roshan and Saif, has acquired constructive critiques, the sturdy word-of-mouth has not translated into field workplace numbers, and the movie is placing up a combat. The crime drama can also be going through stiff competitors from Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan, which is already on the highway to emerge as a blockbuster. Then again, Kareena Kapoor was final seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, which did not carry out on the field workplace. She additionally has Devotion Of Suspect X within the pipeline.