Karnataka minister V Somanna has been caught on digicam slapping a lady at an occasion the place he was distributing land titles. Amid outrage and backlash over the incident, chief minister Basavaraj Bommai sought a proof from the minister. The lady reportedly confronted the minister on the occasion following which the minister slapped her. Within the purported video now going viral, a number of ladies safety personnel might be seen, whereas many males additionally intervened after the minister slapped the lady.
The Congress condemned the incident and requested chief minister Basavaraj Bommai whether or not the minister can be dismissed. V Somanna is the minister of infrastructure improvement. It has been alleged that the beneficiaries for the distribution of the title deeds weren’t appropriately chosen and that was the rationale for the altercation.
After being slapped, as seen within the video, the lady touched the minister’s ft. The minister is learnt to have apologised for his behaviour, whereas the lady too later claimed that the minister promised her assist.
Calling out the ‘conceitedness’ of the BJP ministers and leaders in Karnataka, Congress’s Randeep Singh Surjewala stated, “On one hand, folks undergo the massive brunt of 40 % fee and on the opposite, ladies get slapped by ministers drunk with energy. The place is our PM? Will you dismiss the minister, Mr Bommai.”
The one crime of the lady was she went to the minister along with her grievance, the Congress stated on its official Twitter deal with, sharing the video of the incident.
“What a distinction from the best way @RahulGandhi started the Karnataka leg of #BharatJodoYatra from the exact same Gundlupet on thirtieth September! This shameless man needs to be sacked instantly!” Jairam Ramesh tweeted.
Shiv Sena MP Priyanka Chaturvedi shared the video and stated the minister is probably going to present a proof that it was not a slap on the face however “blessings on the cheek”. “@MinistryWCD mute, @NCWIndia silent. Nothing to see right here, no motion to anticipate,” the MP wrote.
The incident comes because the Congress ends the Karnataka leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra and enters Telangana. Karnataka was the primary BJP-ruled state within the yatra and the celebration claimed to have obtained a heat response from the general public throughout their keep.