Science and Know-how Minister Dr Jitendra Singh on Wednesday flagged off the dispatch of 1,600-metric tonne processed metal slag railway rack from Tata Metal’s Jamshedpur plant to the Border Street Organisation’s (BRO) ‘Venture Arunank’ in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
Flagging it off nearly, Singh mentioned that with this India has entered the “age of metal roads”.
The undertaking is being carried out by CSIR-CRRI together with Tata Metal and BRO during which processed metal slag combination — a by-product of metal manufacturing — will likely be utilized in building of metal slag street stretches in strategic areas.
India is at present the world’s second largest producer of crude metal, producing over 118 million tonnes of crude metal. Of this, round 20% metal slag is generated as strong waste and its disposal is an enormous problem to metal industries. This strong waste will now be utilized in street building. “This undertaking is an ideal instance of ‘waste to wealth’,” Singh emphasised.