Maharashtra’s deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday responded to an incident, which raised safety issues linked to chief minister Eknath Shinde. On Sunday, a 36-year-old man from Mumbai’s Ghatkopar was arrested over a hoax risk. He had dialed the police helpline quantity – 112 – at a resort in Lonavala in Pune district, claiming a “plot” to kill the chief minister.
Responding to the incident, Fadnavis mentioned the accused was arrested. “We have taken severely the enter in regards to the risk to the lifetime of CM Shinde,” he was quoted as saying by information company ANI.
“The one that gave a risk to the chief minister yesterday has been arrested. The chief minister’s safety is necessary, and our focus is on it,” Fadnavis, who additionally handles the state dwelling ministry division, mentioned. The chief minister’s safety – at his official residence ‘Varsha’ was beefed up following the incident.
In weird particulars that emerged from the probe, the police revealed that the accused – Avinash Waghmare – was drunk when he made the decision. He apparently wished to “train a lesson” to the resort proprietor for overcharging him for a bottle of water, HT reported.
Abhinav Deshmukh SP Pune rural mentioned, “He requested the police to go to the resort as quickly as attainable and boarded a bus and left for his vacation spot. We tracked bus he was travelling in and detained him from Khed Shivapur close to Pune. Throughout the interrogation, it was revealed that Waghmare made a hoax name to show a lesson to the resort proprietor. A non-cognisable offence in opposition to Waghamre has been registered beneath sections of 177 (furnishing false info ).
(With inputs from ANI)
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