The trial runs of the Chennai-Mysuru Vande Bharat Categorical practice began on Monday morning at Chennai’s MG Ramachandran railway station. That is the primary Vande Bharat specific in south India, and it will likely be flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 11. This new service will join Bengaluru and Mysuru in Karnataka to Tamil Nadu’s Chennai and is about to extend the connectivity between three IT cities. Launched beneath the Make-in-India initiative, the semi-high-speed service is predicted to spice up tourism with quicker and extra comfy journey choices between the three cities.
The common velocity of the Chennai-Mysore Vande Bharat specific service can be between 75 and 77 kilometers per hour. The gap between the 2 cities is round 504 kilometres and it’ll take round a six-and-a-half hour journey to achieve Mysuru from Chennai.
In keeping with the schedule, the practice will depart Chennai Central at 5.50 am, cease at Bengaluru’s Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (KRS) Station at 10.25 am and attain Mysuru at 12.30 pm. The practice will run on six days of the week; it won’t be obtainable on Wednesday. It’s going to even have 16 coaches, with automated doorways and seats that may rotate 180 levels.
This Chennai-Mysuru Vande Bharat specific is the fifth service in India. The 4 trains launched to this point join Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Kanpur, Varanasi and different locations.